martes, 20 de mayo de 2014

Tips para cuidar el medio ambiente

Hoy,como tarea teníamos que hacer una presentación con Google Drive sobre como cuidar el medio ambiente.Esta presentación contiene tips para cuidar el ambiente,es decir como cuidar el ambiente paso a paso,por ej.:Desconectar los enchufes o como cerrar la canilla de el agua

martes, 13 de mayo de 2014

Informal letter

Dear Brother,

Hello, how are you? I am here, in the city with my friend Smith.

 I am writing this letter to you because I have a secret of “Marionettes Inc.” In Marionettes Inc.  They do marionettes that are identical to you,(to the costumer) our motto is “Clients must have mould made of their body and a color index check of their eyes,lips,hair,skin,etc.Clients must expect to wait for two months until their model is finished”. I remember that one day I had to use one marionette because I wanted to go to Rio, but I don’t want my wife to know this.
All I wanted to tell you is that, goodbye, and remember, In Marionettes Inc we will always have a model prepared for you.

                                                                                    Kisses and Regards, Brailing.