When I woke up I looked of my hands to se if that machine didn´t kill me and when I looked at my hands,instead of hands,I saw feet! I screamed!But instead of a I snorted !I was very afraid because I heard a lot of yellings of normal people.It sounded like a stadio.A little bit later two persons opened a very big door,and they grabbed me from two short ropes that were stucked to my mouth and they took me outside and outside I saw a knight next to me and in front of me,(but far) another horse and a knight,then I heard the voice of Steve saying something,but I was so nervous that I didn´t payed attention to him,Steve was the knight next to me! to be continued.
Blogs de docentes
miércoles, 16 de julio de 2014
martes, 15 de julio de 2014
Formal letter
Dear Mr Mike,
My name is Pepe el
Vilas, I am writing you to tell you, that I think that you would be a very good
manager of my company. My company is called “Wines, Malbec”.
In Wines, Malbec we
would like you, to sell to other wine countries and to other continents. We are
running out of money, if we don’t sell wines right now Wines, Malbec will have
to close for all the eternity!
Do not need worry we
will pay you a big salary, we attached all the information about your new job:
£ 9.999.999 per month
Hours you will have to work per day: 5 hours
Days you will have to
work: Mondays to Fridays
this is all the information about your job,
send me, please if you want the job or not.
Yours faithfully, Pepe El Vilas.
Los Reinos Naturales
Reino Protista:Unicelular y pluricelular
celulas eucariotas,sus celulas no llegan a formar tejidos,autótrofos o heterótrofos
celulas eucariotas,sus celulas no llegan a formar tejidos,autótrofos o heterótrofos
Reino Metazoo:Pluricelular sus celulas tienen el núcleo definido:es eucariota,heterotrofos sus celulas forman tejidos todos se desplazan
Reino Metafita:Pluricelular,sus celulas tienen el núcleo definido son eucariotas,utotrofos y no se desplazan
Reino Monera: Es unicelular y procariota,unicelular,procariota,sus celulas tienen un nucleo sin diferenciar hay perjudiciales y beneficiosos,nutricion:autótrofa o heterotrofa
Reino Fungi: Unicelular y pluricelular sus celulas tienen el núcleo diferenciado:son eucariotas sus células no llegan a formar tejidos viven en sitios húmedos
miércoles, 2 de julio de 2014
Actualidad Cientifica
La agencia EPA (Enviromental Protection of America) tiene el objetivo de proteger la salud humana y el medio ambiente,para cumplir ese objetivo,la EPA está usando herramientas e innovaciones,además,como parte de su labor,científicos e ingenieros están explorando la interrelación estrecha entre la gente y nuestro medio ambiente.Día a día hombres y mujeres de origen hispano laboran exitosamente en la EPA,y, como parte del desempeño de sus funciones contribuyen positivamente a la protección ambiental.
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